Beyond the Body with Amanda Kate

Quit the diets, fast fads, self sabotage and negative self image and finally master your health and happiness!

When we let go of constantly dieting and we learn how to nourish our bodies FOR LIFE, not only do we optimise our metabolism and get results we have busted our butts trying to achieve, we create a whole new relationship with ourselves and our bodies.

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 FACT: Constantly dieting has a negative effect on our overall health and metabolism which ultimately Makes getting the results we want even more unattainable!

This is why I created the Beyond The Body Breakthrough. No more fads and short term fixes. Learn a sustainable and maintainable way to achieve your health and fitness goals (no matter what they are) and elevate your happiness and self image along the way.

I teach and support you in mastering the FUNDAMENTALS of health and happiness so you can leave diet culture and fast fixes for good!

I am on a mission to kick “quick fix” to the curb so you can transform your mind and body!

Heal your self image and love the skin you’re in for a LIFETIME of health and happiness. 

The truth is, feeling comfortable in your skin is not just about “getting into shape” its not just about moving our bodies and what we eat, it’s not just about the the end result either and this is where the industry  has fallen short for many of us who want results that LAST.

Real transformation and Life long results come from transforming what really matters.

Your deep mindset and relationship with food and exercise. Your relationship with yourself.

The beliefs and thoughts you have about your body, your worth and your ability.

You wont find this in a 6 week fat burning program.

Let me guess...

 You've tried other online or in person training programs, and haven't achieved the results you've wanted or maybe you did but they didn’t last long and maybe you still feel sh*tty about your body.

 You know you don't want a 'cookie cutter' approach, but haven't found anything that works.

You are sick of the never ending cycle of dieting, fitness fads and all the challenges that come with that - [insert self sabotage, consistency, staying motivated and managing time and your lifestyle]

You want to get results, but you also want a life!

You know that your health and happiness is important but struggle to make yourself a priority or feel guilty for spending time and money on yourself.

You know you want support from industry experts who have the qualifications, not celebrity fitness 'experts' or Instagram influencers.

You're tired of feeling like you're missing that one thing that will finally give you the results you want and the confidence you crave!

I know the feeling, I spent years chasing the magic potion, pill or program looking for the answers to feeling good in my skin and in myself.

I know from my own experience that being fit and healthy, self confidence and great body image do not necessarily go hand in hand!

I have been in the best shape of my life and STILL told myself I was fat and not good enough. I still felt that my body was disgusting, lacked that confidence to truly be myself to put myself out there and I constantly questioned and doubted myself. 

This is exactly why I know that Beyond The Body is something so special and so NEEDED. 

I'm here to help. What makes this so different?


Hi, I'm Amanda Kate,

Beyond The Body was created as a result of what I've learnt throughout my transformations and personal journey, as well as my work with thousands of women over the past decade. 

What I KNOW to be true [and I wish I knew so many years ago] is that the physical transformation means nothing without the inner transformation that should come with it.

IN FACT, it is the #1 thing that is missing on our search for health and happiness.

We crave to feel better in our bodies, to stop talking shit to ourselves when we look in the mirror, to feel comfortable naked and in our clothes and yet the only way we know how is to restrict and punish ourselves.

I have navigated an eating disorder, many fad diets and destructive approaches to achieve the “ideal body”, regenerated my health and body after competing in bikini competitions and navigated the postpartum experience 2x.

How was I able to successfully heal through these times? I focused on all that lies beyond the physical body. 

My holistic approach to transformation takes you beyond the 3D! It’s so much more than just “getting into shape”. 

It's not just about the end result, it's about the life long change inside and out that makes the Amanda Kate Method so powerful.

Which is why the unique and powerful combination of rewiring the mind using hypnotherapy, NLP and healing techniques along your health and fitness journey is the BEST way to create the body and mind that we want. 


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We are not a click and forget "fitness" program.

We want you to be 100% supported on your journey. Everyone's goals and needs are completely individual.

Guidance and support needs to be just that... individual and specific, especially when it comes to transforming what really matters when it comes to getting results that stick around for life. Your deep mindset and relationship with food and exercise. Your relationship with yourself. The beliefs and thoughts you have about your body, your worth and your ability.  

  • ​Being a part of this amazing program and the Amanda Kate community, you have access to me AND the best experts in Australia to educate, inspire and empower you to experience your best self inside and out!

  • ​You have the accountability and guidance from real life people ... not a robot

  • ​​This program brings you a complete holistic approach to achieving your goals by bridging the gap between diet culture and health and happiness - THE INNER WORK! With me... being your personal trainer, nutrition coach, lifestyle mentor and mindset breakthrough coach with a decade of understanding what women NEED to create everlasting change and that change only takes place when your thoughts, beliefs and attitudes are in full alignment with your goals.


​Beyond The Body is a 6-month experience that supports you through a transformational journey of the mind and body.

A carefully created process where you journey through the key steps often missed when making lifelong change.

A content hub chocka block full with educational lessons and tutorials on all things training and wellbeing, workbooks, and and fresh monthly workouts unlocked as you go.

You will be pumped full of all you need to know to make shit happen with all the guidance and support along the way. 

We understand the challenges that come with making change.

This is why we work with you and empower you to make the realistic incremental shifts that will have the biggest impact on how you feel inside and out.


LEARN and IMPLEMENT everything you need to create the change you want for your health and happiness from the inside out.

This is one thing personal trainers are NOT taught… how to help you transform your mind.

I know from my own experience that being fit and healthy and self confidence and body image do not necessarily go hand in hand!

I have been in the best shape of my life and STILL told myself I was fat and not good enough. I still felt that my body was disgusting, lacked that confidence to truly be myself to put myself out there and constantly questioned and doubted myself.

This is exactly why I know that Beyond The Body is something so special and so NEEDED.

No longer should we beat ourselves up in a bid to find our confidence!

No longer should we try to fit into some sh*tty old societal standards.

No longer should we neglect the very essence of our feminine power - connection and inner guidance.


Finally, Tap Into How Your Body Likes To Thrive And ENJOY Putting Yourself And Your Happiness First!

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The Beyond the Body Breakthough!

Each month you are guided through a new module, a content hub full of FACTS, lessons and action steps designed to guide you along Breaking Through the old quick fix mindset and embodying the habits and strategies that help you master your health and happiness for LIFE!




The BTB BREAKTHROUGH is where you will experience the ultimate support and guidance over a 6 month journey to master the REAL fundamentals for sustainable and maintainable results (no matter your goals)

Be part of an exclusive community where you dial up the level of support you receive on a mind/body and soul level.


You are given everything you need to master your health and happiness and ditch the dieting quick fixes for good!

  • Goal setting, regular reflection and accountability

  • Fresh monthly workouts, personalised programs and tutorials

  • Training education and guidance to support you to move well, smash your goals and enjoy it!

  • Deep mindset work, guided reflections, and breaking through of -ve beliefs, healing the past and changing your psychology so you are wired for success

  • Personalised hypnosis recordings and meditations to support you in shifting out of the old mindset and into the new

  • Education on nutrition and mastering your health

  • Guest masterclasses and speakers

  • 90min1:1 Breakthough sessions with ME, your therapist and coach each month

  • 1:1 24/7 Voxer support, where I get to support you EVERY step of the way, every single day

  • 2x Small group hot seat coaching and self mastering sessions each month so you stay connected, motivated and supported

Enjoy being a part of the community with our private Facebook group, content library, monthly Q & A and surprise guests speakers

Over 6 months you will align your mind, transform behaviours and habits, heal your past and up level your beliefs, thoughts and ideas so your transformation is a 100% success.

$3,600 upfront

(Payment plan option $635/month over 6months)*




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“I have worked with Amanda on all aspects of my life. Nutrition, training and healing my traumas. And doing all that together has totally changed my life.

The most important part has been changing my beliefs and the deep set feelings in my body, that I knew were not true, but still were coming up in my life time and time again.

Combining that with Amanda educating me on how to train smarter not harder and learning to love food and having lots of it (especially how much I SHOULD be eating). This program will change your life.

Amanda showing you how doing your inner work (and not the fluffy self care) is sooo important & life changing, because that shit affects all aspects of your life.”

- Laura Summla

“ I have been working with Amanda for a long time now and have watched her, and her program, evolve into the program she has developed today.  I started with Amanda originally as I was ‘in a mess’ both physically, mentally and emotionally.  I had left an extremely stressful job and had put my needs last for so long and really didn’t know where to start.  

Amanda has helped me rehab through a couple of major operations and we are about to embark on rehab for a broken ankle.  Amanda and I are both excited about this rehab as we know the ankle is going to be even better than it was before the surgery.  This is the excitement that Amanda fosters in building your strength and abilities.  Previously I would have given up - rehab being ‘all too hard’ and probably done the ‘bare minimum’.

Working with Amanda has given me the strength (both mentally and physically) to believe ‘I can do it’ and I really enjoy the way she challenges me.  It can be uncomfortable sometimes, but the rewards are well worth it.  She certainly knows how to breakthrough all the inner bullsh*t and when to give you your space.
If you want to be the best you can be and be true to who you are – I cannot recommend Amanda highly enough.”

- Marie Van Wyk

“ Never have I been part of a group where there is so much focus on developing the inner as much as the outer.

I ve learnt so much about myself as a person – mindset, empowering myself…

Over the time since joining Amanda kate, I can’t believe how much I have changed. Internally, I am such a stronger person, identifying and accepting that my worth is not attached to how I look.

I am so much happier as person and as a mum to two daughters. I want to empower them when they see what I can achieve. The community that Amanda has built is amazing, strong women supporting strong women and I couldn’t imagine not being apart of this community!






 Achieve the results you want with on-demand workouts with 12 NEW training videos released each month as well as an exercise tutorial workbook and program templates to get bang for your buck when you are working out!

 We’ve designed the ultimate workout programs and lifestyle education and support to help you get strong, not just physically but mentally too!

 You are fully supported to progress no matter where you are starting.

 Learn to move well and get rid of those aches and pains from the inside out but most importantly, connect with how your body loves to move!.




Learning what works for YOU is the key to long term results. Every single body is different and every body will respond differently to different methods and protocols.

 Be empowered to learn about your body and what it enjoys along its journey to health and well-being. 

 We educate you on nutrition to support your goals, lifestyle changes to maximise results and everything you need to know about cultivating a nourished, powerhouse body and mind for LIFE!

Monthly live Q&A sessions where you will have all your questions answered, keep you inspired and motivated. Just another way to stay accountable and stay on track, connect with your queen community and continue to grow and evolve from the inside out!

Learn from some of the BEST experts in women's health with guest masterclasses to help you make educated decisions when it comes to making change. 




“Making change is a science, maintaining that change is a psychology.”

Our physical body is a manifestation of our internal world. In order to experience true change in the 3D we HAVE to transform our thoughts, beliefs and attitudes that are linked to our health and happiness!

Mindset is the biggest hurdle when wanting to make change. I will be with you every step of the way to help you change habits and create sustainable change inside and out, no matter where you are at in your journey.

The best part... is that you are NOT alone. You are a part of a sisterhood! Among a community of women who are cheering you on and supporting you every step of the way.

You will transform your mind of all that has held you back from success until now. Working exclusively with me each month as well as 24/7 back pocket support, we align your psychology with what is going to support you on your journey. Say goodbye to limiting beliefs, stories and past traumas that have kept you from mastering your health and happiness.

Connect with soul sisters, online and in person with exclusive Amanda Kate meet ups and sister circles. We will become your extended family.

Lets face it... studies show you are more likely to achieve what you want when you are surrounded by and kept accountable by like minded people!

We have masterclasses released monthly with so much opportunity to continue to learn and connect with like minded women! This is the part that matters the most. Mastering your mind! This has been your missing key!

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$3,600 Upfront or 6 Payments of $635

What’s Included:

  • Experience the ultimate support and guidance over the 6 month journey

  • Specific and personalised training programs designed specifically for YOU and your goals

  • 1:1 Breakthrough NLP/Hypnosis Coaching Session each month to align your unconscious mind, transform behaviours and habits, heal your past and up level your beliefs, thoughts and ideas so your transformation is a 100% success both inside and out

  • 2 x Small Group mastery sessions every month to keep you accountable, supported and leveled up in mind and body

  • Weekly Voxer support and communication with me to keep you accountable, 24/7 (this is invaluable!)

  • A PACKED membership hub that guides you through each month, step by step, education, lessons, self reflection and action steps to support you in making LIFE LONG change and special breakthrough member only events.

  • Train with ME, with on demand workouts! 12 NEW workouts unlocked each month in the membership hub

  • Access to the private members Facebook Group where you can connect with your sisterhood, ask questions, share your wins and feel 100% supported. Just another way to stay accountable and stay on track. Be fully supported to progress no matter your goal and no matter your starting point

  • Learn to move well and get rid of those aches and pains

  • Learn what works for you so you can experience life long results

  • Be empowered to learn about your mind and body. What needs to change from the deepest unconscious level, how your body likes to move along the journey to health and well-being

  • Learn about nutrition instead of being told what to do. Optimise your metabolism, lifestyle changes to maximise results and everything you need to know about cultivating a nourished and powerhouse mind and body.

  • Learn from some of the BEST experts in women’s health and lifestyle to help you make educated decisions when it comes to making change

  • Exercise tutorial eBook, eguides and additional Masterclasses and content released into the Hub each month


I am a holistic lifestyle and empowerment  coach and I inspire women to transform their mind and body for a lifetime of health and happiness. My mission is to help women kick quick fixes to the curb so they can heal their self image and love the skin they’re in.   

My career started in the beauty industry over 12 years ago helping women escape from their world to a place where they felt beautiful, nurtured and accepted. Inspired to find the answers to my own body image struggles, eating disorder and terrible body dysmorphia that depleted my self confidence, self worth and self esteem I became a personal trainer and coach, guiding women through nourishing their bodies with movement and nutrition while finding the answers for myself.

This expressed even  further to me that what lies beneath is where the magic to transformation lies. Now coaching women to breakthrough the road blocks keeping them from achieving and having what they want.

MY MISSION and my SOUL PURPOSE is to help women reconnect. To TUNE IN, put  themselves first and nurture themselves to reveal the confident, resilient and empowered woman within. 

 I live in Perth, Western Australia with my husband Jason, my beautiful daughters  Madelyn and McKenzie and husky dog, Rusty. When I’m not working with amazing women like you, you can find me at the beach or enjoying a cheeky prosecco with friends.

Join Beyond The Body and finally quit the diets, quick fixes, self sabotage and self image and FINALLY embrace body confidence, food freedom and your innate power to create the life you truly want!

Amanda xx