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I see you. Putting on a brave face. I see you working your butt off, trying to achieve happiness within yourself, your health and relationships.

You’ve tried all the things hoping something will change but still feel things haven’t really changed. (Not in the way you want anyway!)

Maybe you have tried to just carry on, pushing the -ve inner dialogue or emotions under the rug, hoping they will go away if you ignore them. You have possibly experienced talk therapy or even the more spiritual healing modalities and self care practices and are now MORE aware than ever, but stuck onhow to change it (it’s all well and good to KNOW that something in yur childhood was the cause of your lack of self belief… but now what!!??)

OR you are just realising that something isn’t right and you have NO IDEA where to start the journey to change, it coud even be hard to explain what is showing up for you.

Either way, I am here to help you!

The missing link is transforming the ROOTS of what is showing up for you and changing your neurology. When you change your neurology you change the way you believe, think and feel and when you change that, you change the way you experience life, people and situations.

For so many women I have worked with who have struggled to move past traumatic or significant events in their life, the one thing that is missing is processing the experience, trapped emotions, thoughts and perceptions from the unconscious mind and ALSO the body (nervous system) THIS is how we resolve symptoms such as anxiety, panic attacks, depression and phobias, -ve thoughts and inner dialogue and limiting behaviors.

What we resist WILL persist.

I HEAR you. You are you tired, lost and confused about how to change things. Are you ready to shift the stuff that is really in the way of you experiencing

  • connected relationships

  • self worth, belief and confidence

  • health and vitality

  • a sense of purpose and direction

  • joy and passion

But you don’t know where to start?

It starts with your psychology!

“It doesn’t matter what you do, as much as it matters what you think!”

It’s time to unlock your own inner limits and transform everything that is keeping you from health and happiness.

“By tuning inward and finding the courage to step into your truest self, life begins to align completely with your souls desires, values and dreams”


Get Unstuck and Go

90min One Off Coaching Session

This is your solo session to shift that stuck energy so you can keep showing up for yourself and what you are working towards.

These 90min power sessions are great for gaining clarity, clearing the blocks that are in your way right now and elevating you with major cheer squad energy to get out there and make sh*t happen.

These sessions also include 7 days of integration voice message support to make sure you are kept accountable and supported in putting it into action.


Breakthrough Intensive

10-12 weeks of fast change to get things moving!

This experience is designed for those who feel like they have tried everything to make change for themselves but with no luck. We work on the deep roots of what is keeping you in -ve patterns, reactive experiences of anxiety, fears, depressive states and lack of +ve self image and belief.

We work with rewiring the neurology of your mind, debunk the limiting stories and beliefs and process unresolved emotions and traumas so you are able to level up your health, happiness and relationships.

You will have me in your back pocket with unlimited voice message support the whole way, making sure you are integrating and navigating these changes with ease!
*Upon submission of your enquiry form, you will receive an email with instructions on how to book your discovery call with me!

The Intensive Involves:

- 3hr Detailed Mindmap Blueprint session 

- 6x 90min Breakthrough therapy & coaching sessions

- Unlimited voxer phone coaching and support (this is the secret sauce!)

- Personalised resources to support your growth and integration, personalised hypnosis track and recordings to further embed your new neurology


*Multiple payment options available

Complete Beyond The Body Breakthrough Experience

6 months of deep transformation, alignment and Action!

A complete mental and physical health transformation.

We make the deepest change by rewiring the mind, debunking the limiting stories and beliefs and processing unresolved emotions and traumas that are holding you back from truly stepping into your power and experiencing the health & happiness you crave. We align your body and your psychology with what you want to achieve and support, coach and cheer you on as you make your goals and dreams a reality.

This is the ultimate supportive healing and self development experience!

You will have me in your back pocket with unlimited voice message support the whole way, making sure you are integrating and navigating these changes with ease!
*Upon submission of your enquiry form, you will receive an email with instructions on how to book your discovery call with me!

The Breakthrough Experience Involves:

- 3hr Detailed Mindmap Blueprint session 

- 10x 90min Breakthrough therapy & coaching sessions (Additional sessions gifted if paid upfront)

- Unlimited voxer phone coaching and support (this is the secret sauce!)

- Personalised resources to support your growth and integration, personalised hypnosis track and recordings to further embed your new neurology

- Lifetime access to the 6week course THRIVE to support you in mastering the fundamentals of health and happiness - nutrition, stress and trauma movement and relationships


*Multiple Payment Options Available