By tuning inward and finding the courage to step into your truest self, life begins to align completely with your souls desires, values and dreams
— A. Dick




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Work 1 on 1 with me to transform your world and re-wire your brain by working with your unconscious mind to really get to the cause of your problems and challenges. To become the best version of you, create an unbreakable mindset, FEEL undeniable self belief and confidence.

By the end of it you will have revealed your true self with confidence and clarity. You will have transformed and be living in true alignment and no longer be held by negative limiting emotions and beliefs or past traumas and pain.

Maybe you are feeling a little like this?

Lost your direction, sense of self or purpose.

You might feel like you don't know who you are anymore.

You might be experiencing repetition of the same shitty events, relationships or mindset blocks keeping you from doing what you want or being completely you!

You are tired of feeling like the shaddow of your former self or maybe you have always felt this way?, of feeling unfulfilled and un-nurtured.

That you have habits and behaviors you want to change but can’t seem to make it happen so that you can master your health and happiness.

You are tired of self sabotaging your results when it comes to your goals or your happiness.

You know there are deeper barriers at play and are ready to tune in, to let go and reignite and reclaim YOU and your inner power but you don’t know what they are or how to change it.

This is where I step in. Working together to have you

1) Transform your mindset so that you are unshakeably YOU

2) Heal your past so instead of it holding you back, it’s projecting you forward towards what you want

3) Create powerful self concept and rock solid beliefs that leave you rocking your queen confidence to attract the abundance you deserve

We have all the answers within. We all have that deep inner wisdom that guides us in our unique direction. Overtime, it’s the past generational and social conditioning that has led us down the path of “ I need to be like x, I need to have more x, I need to do more y. I’m not enough. We have allowed our environment and the people around us dictate whether we are enough, worthy, successful, pretty or doing “the right thing”

The moment you COMMIT to coaching with me, you are COMMITTING to YOU. You are announcing that you are ready to show up, to tune in, to do the deep inner work and truly transform.

We will work 1:1 using the power of NLP, Timeline therapy, hypnotherapy and health and life coaching to rid you of your limitations, negative beliefs and habits, heal from past traumas and pain, we will tap into and reignite your connection to self trust, belief and worth and to your body to unlock your potential and to pave the way toward optimising your health and happiness.

We will deep dive and create a blue print of your psychology in a detailed history session. We work together within either a 6 week Intensive (ideal for those seeking quick resolve or over a 6 month breakthrough coaching experience + unlimited voxer support (therapy in your back pocket) while you integrate, overcome and navigate change and challenges along the way, achieve goals and become your best self.


INTENSIVE 8-10week BREAKTHROUGH $4,000 upfront or 6x payments of $685

6 MONTH BREAKTHROUGH COACHING EXPERIENCE $7,111 - individual payment plans available.

**Coaching is a journey that can bring about great change and momentum in your life. Together we work and shift on a mental, physical and emotional level. It requires commitment to yourself and complete openness and vulnerability during our sessions and soul driven action to be taken outside of our sessions.  I am here to support you and help you find what is possible and support you through to the end. You are responsible for change and will get out of this experience what you put in. I am 100% committed to your transformation.



Reaching out for help can feel hard to do when you don't really know how to explain what is "wrong" and for many of us, we really struggle to put our finger on what needs to change and things can feel confusing so much so that we end up doing nothing. This is what we experience when we are not in alignment. Align & Live your values is where we start your journey back to self.

A personalised coaching session to help you align your unconscious mind with your conscious goals and aspirations by eliciting your deepest values (these are more unconscious than your beliefs and emotions) This experience brings you so much awareness around why things are not changing in certain areas of your life, why you may not be achieving the things you want in life/business/relationships. In this session we get help you breakthrough the road blocks mentally and emotionally that may be holding you back in the context of your main concern right now. Designed to meet you where you are at and facilitate immediate change with removing limiting beliefs, thoughts and habits with the use of NLP and Timeline therapy and hypnosis techniques. 

The perfect session for those who feel they have areas of their life that simply do not feel they fit. For those who feel they have lost their spark and don't know who they are anymore, feeling disconnected from motivation and drive and feel confused on how to shift into the next gear.

We will tune in, gain clarity over what is holding you back, eliminate those blocks and leave you with actionable steps to initiate change in the right direction. 

3hr Align and Live Your Values Session $800



I see you. Putting on a brave face. I see you working your butt off, trying to achieve happiness within yourself. You have done all the things right? You’ve tried to change yourself from the outside in a hope something will change within. That you will feel more confident, worthy, enough OR maybe you have tried to just carry on, pushing the -ve inner dialogue or emotions under the rug, hoping they will go away if you ignore them.

I HEAR you. You are you tired, lost and confused about how to change things. Are you ready to shift the stuff that is really in the way of you experiencing

  • connected relationships

  • self worth, belief and confidence

  • health and vitality

  • a sense of purpose and direction

  • joy and passion

But you don’t know where to start?

It starts with your psychology!

“It doesn’t matter what you do, as much as it matters what you think!”

It’s time to unlock your own inner limits and transform everything that is keeping you from health and happiness