Episode #9: Relationships, Co-dependency and Attracting 'The One' With Kove Holistic

Relationships! They are either the bane of our existence or the highlight of our life. The one thing we know is that they are a HUGE part of our human experience and are an area that highlights a lot of our own inner programming, wounds and self image. 

We are joined by the lovely Emily, who is half of the holistic wellbeing duo Kove Holistic on today’s episode to dive DEEP into the psychology of relationships,  what and why we attract certain people and experiences and how we can evolve our relationships by understanding our childhood programming, attachment styles and past trauma. 

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Episode #8: Money Mindset, Abundance and Manifesting with Diana Todd

Talking about money, making money, saving money and spending money, it can all feel like ‘a lot!’ There is a lot to say about our relationship with money, abundance and ‘success’ and how much we can be held back by negative money stories, past conditioning and attachments of our worth and success to how much we earn or can afford. In today's episode Diana Todd joins us to dive into the deeper layers of our money mindset and relationship.

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Episode #6: What no one told you about Motivation

If we believe we can only achieve our goals by being or feeling motivated all the time, we are not going to achieve much at all! Why? Sometimes we have to do the things we don't feel like doing in order to move the needle forward, so how can we make sure we keep showing up for ourselves, even when we don’t feel like it? How do we make sure this doesn’t become the point in which we give up altogether?

Are you mostly motivated to run away from the pain of where you are right now? OR are you mostly motivated towards achieving what you want because of all that it gives you positively. 

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Episode #5: How I Made My Way Out Of A Sh*tty Place - My Story, Part 1

My personal health and happiness journey started at a very young age and it all began with a decision, a thought and a feeling. This is Part 1 of my story, where I share with you the 1 thing that changed EVERYTHING for me. 

Just know, wherever you are on your health and happiness journey, no matter what you are experiencing or what you have experienced in the past, one decision, one action, can change the trajectory for your life forever. 

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Episode #4: The things you NEED to master for health and happiness!

When we are healthy and when we are happy, our physical body and how it expresses itself, aligns with that.

Most people, thanks to centuries of propaganda, have NO idea how much energy their body actually requires and this has led to a massive percentage of women under-eating and experiencing suboptimal health and happiness.

Today I talk to the true fundamentals that we have NOT yet mastered, that if we DID, would transform everything, including our bodies.

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Episode #3: We have been brainwashed...

In today’s episode, I share with you how we have been ‘brainwashed’ and how this plays out  with constantly comparing ourselves to others, our fixation with quick fixes and the impatience we have when it comes to seeing results. I share with you how this conditioning controls our focus, what we see when we look in the mirror and what we believe about things like being healthy, losing weight or body image.

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Episode #2: You Will Never Set Goals The Same Again

It’s not enough, just writing down what you want to achieve. You need to build a relationship with your goals. There has to be some kind of emotional connection and meaning to them. In Episode 1 I talked about making sure your mind is completely on board with you achieving  your goals and why this is fundamentally the ONLY thing that will determine your outcome.

In today’s episode, I share a method of setting goals that will connect you so deeply with your WHY that motivation, drive and determination will be at an all time high. 

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Episode #1: The ONLY thing you are missing to get what you want!

To achieve your goals, no matter what they are, you need to take action… but this alone is not enough. If it was, you would have everything you ever wanted and there would be no ‘self sabotage’ or challenges in your way. So what's the missing link? YOUR MIND. Your mind is either supportive of what you want or it’s not! I share with you how your inner world determines your sense of self, how that then determines what you do or don’t do, how you feel and what you think and how you can transform what is not supportive or helpful.

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