Happiness is a state that we all strive to achieve. It's a feeling of contentment, joy, and satisfaction that we seek in our daily lives.

So many of us often attach our happiness to our physical appearance and this can lead us down a path of ‘conditional happiness’ which doesn’t sound so good does it?

Firstly, our physical appearance, size, shape or weight, is temporary. It changes with age, health, and lifestyle. If our body is forever changing, at what point does our body fit the appropriate ‘ideal’ that allows us to finally be happy?

A good question, which I challenge you to consider is “If you were happy in your life, relationships, your career. Ultimately within yourself, would your body image still have this happiness hold over you?”

Happiness is not a result of external factors such as physical appearance. It's a state of mind that depends on so many internal factors, such as our thoughts, emotions, and attitudes. Happiness comes from within, and is a choice that we make every day.

Our physical appearance can be deceiving. We may look happy on the outside, but on the inside, we may be struggling with things like low self-esteem, anxiety, or depression. It is so important to work on our internal world to find true happiness.

Happiness is not a destination but a journey. It's a continuous process that requires effort, self-reflection, and self-improvement. We need to focus on building meaningful relationships, pursuing our passions, and living a fulfilling life. These are the things that bring long-term happiness and satisfaction.

So the next time you tell yourself “I’ll be happy when I lose weight” or “When I look like…. I’ll be happy” remember this…

Happiness is not found in how we look. Our physical appearance is temporary, subjective, and can be deceiving.

If you are feeling unhappy lean into some self-reflection.

Check in on the quality of your relationships.

Are you doing what lights you up? Are you having fun?

Do you feel fulfilled, healthy, worthy and enough?

Start working on shifting and transforming these areas rather than constantly trying to obtain the ‘perfect body’ in order to feel happy. Something so many of my clients realise is that focusing on their body image was in fact a way to distract them from facing the areas of their life that REALLY needed to change.

If you need help in disconnecting your happiness from your body image and start working on elevating those areas of your life that don’t feel completely lit up, book a free “Get Unstuck” Coaching call where we get to the roots of what happiness means to you and leave you with an action plan to start elevating your life and hapiness from within!

So, let's stop chasing after external factors and start working on our internal world to achieve lasting happiness.

XX Amanda Kate